Why You May Not Receive Adequate Compensation For Your Automotive Accident Injuries

16 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Automotive accidents can result in significant injuries. However, an injury does not automatically mean that you will receive adequate compensation to cover your damages, even if the injury was due to another driver's negligence. Here is why:

The injuries may not seem serious enough for compensation.

Although you may know that your injuries are serious, insurance representatives will need proof of their severity. Thus, if you are injured in an accident, it is best to seek medical care as soon as possible. This means that you should call for an ambulance if you suspect that you are hurt. By delaying treatment, you may cause your injuries to appear insignificant. 

The emergency personnel who respond to your call can review your condition and determine the best course of treatment. Some of your injuries may be treated onsite, but serious conditions may require treatment at a hospital. Each medical provider will record details of your condition and the treatments provided. These records will serve as proof of your injuries and their degree of severity.

You may wait too long to seek compensation.

States often have a statute of limitations that defines how long an accident victim can wait before pursuing compensation for their damages. Once this time period expires, a victim may no longer seek retribution, and insurers do not have to pay for damages.

Pursue compensation soon after the automotive accident.

You may make unwise statements to insurance representatives.

If you make the wrong statements to insurance representatives, you may forgo compensation for your injuries. Sometimes, auto insurance reps try to meet with accident victims at the hospital to discuss claims. They may even have you sign paperwork relinquishing your rights to compensation. 

In order to avoid problems with your personal injury case, it is best to allow your attorney to handle all communications with the insurance company. 

There is too little evidence to show who was at fault during the accident.

Insurance companies may not pay if the fault of the accident is not assigned. To help ensure that the fault of the other driver is evident, be sure to contact law enforcement immediately after the accident so that a police report can be created. The report often indicates who the officer feels is at fault. Also, take pictures of the accident scene to show the positioning of the automobiles involved.

For more information about automotive injury cases and how to obtain maximum compensation, schedule a consultation with an injury lawyer at a law firm like Kornfeld Law in your area.
